Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Guest Writer - Gabriel Gall!

Gabriel Gall from the Relatives will be writing today's post. He also played banjo on this video!

i made my way off that achy old subway car and climbed up to the street, where the snow was just starting to blow horizontally across the gridded new york streets. isaac and i met at a near-empty grocery store, gliding from aisle to aisle in search of a few necessary items for the day. soup and bread and hummus made it to the cash register; sadly, the plastic container of chocolate milk i had my eye on did not.

we dodged all the icy puddles and stumbled upstairs to his apartment, warm and ready to consume both food and music. 'i want to show you something' isaac said. 'it's just 6 triplets in a row, i think'.

his guitar was in his lap, 3 fingers on his right hand going at once, droning the tonic note with his thumb while the other two fingers made their way across those triplets. hearing it felt like home to me. he repeated the triplets, and then oddly enough, sang one word over a IV chord: Home.

'try this harmony' he said.

we sat like silhouettes in front of a snowy view of his courtyard and worked through the song a few times, sipping our minestrone while it cooled. added some banjo and some foot taps and there was little else to be done.

'lets record this.'

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